Damisch Plays for Patriarch of Greek Orthodox Church


By ALAN P. HENRY Freelance Reporter

Mark Damisch’s dream is a simple one.

All he wants to do is leave the world a little better than he found it.

To that end, the 63-year old former Northbrook Village president recently returned from his 24th classic piano concert tour in 45 years in 70 countries around the world, this time around performing 22 concerts in 32 days in 13 countries throughout the Middle East and Europe.

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2019 Program

K, K and A Productions


Mark W. Damisch


in his 2019 Concert Tour to:

Washington, D.C., Tunisia, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Bulgaria,
North Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, United Kingdom, Serbia, Turkey



Appalachian Spring premiered in 1944 and has achieved widespread and enduing popularity. Originally designed as a ballet, it was created upon the commission of choreographer and dancer Martha Graham. It was first performed at the Library of Congress and includes the famous American “Shakers Theme” also known as “Simple Gifts”

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Известный американский пианист посетил город Смоленск с гастролями

22 сентября 2017 года в ОГАУК «Смоленская областная филармония» состоялся благотворительный концерт известного американского пианиста Марка Демиша.

Концерт собрал более 100 человек, но желающих послушать талантливого музыканта было гораздо больше. Пианист исполнил музыкальные композиции К. Дебюсси, Б. Бартока, Э. Донаньи и А. Копленда. Гости вечера очень тепло приветствовали господина Демиша и находились в восторге от виртуозного исполнения сложнейших произведений. В конце вечера публика с большим удовольствием исполнила знаменитую «Катюшу» под аккомпанемент пианиста.

Американский пианист и общественный деятель выступил в Волгограде с посланием мира и дружбы 27.09.2017

В Волгоградских школах искусств прошла серия фортепианных концертов американского исполнителя Марка Дэмиша. Свои выступления филантроп и музыкант посвятил подвигу Красной армии и той жертве, которую советский народ принёс ради мира на земле. Именно поэтому в программе концертов были произведения композиторов разных стран: Белы Бартока, Эрнста фон Донаньи, Аарона Копленда, а также знаменитая «Катюша», которой подпевал весь зал. Глава Волгограда Андрей Косолапов приветствовал визит в наш город американского общественного деятеля в рамках народной дипломатии.

Former Northbrook Mayor Takes On World Stage


By Donald Liebenson – July 13, 2017

Mark Damisch is a big believer in iconic Chicago architect Daniel Burnham’s maxim, “Make no little plans.” This month, the Chicago attorney will embark from his Northbrook home on a 37-night trip abroad that will visit 13 countries. But he is not going as a tourist. He will perform 25 piano recitals.

Damisch began these tours 42 years ago. This is his 18th consecutive summer trip. But Damisch is not a professional musician. Though a virtuoso performer who has sold out international concert halls, he considers himself more a goodwill ambassador whose passion for classical music serves as a cultural bridge.

The overseas concerts are a labor of love for Damisch (he and Patty, his wife of 35 years, raise the funds) In past years he has toured and performed with daughters Kristina, Katherine, and Alexandra, but not this year; Kristina is getting married in August and Alexandra is working on her Masters from DePaul University. Katherine just completed her Masters from Northwestern, and is getting married in December.

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Spotlight on Damisch Daughters

“These tours have been truly life-transforming experiences.  They have forever altered the way I look at the world.”
Alexandra Damisch

If the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree — no wonder Northbrook’s three Damisch daughters stay close to the piano bench.

Their father, concert pianist and former Northbrook village president Mark Damisch, began playing the organ when he was 4 at the Evanston Conservatory of Music, switching to piano at age 7.

“When I look at this summer’s tour, I don’t know how many more we will be able to do as a family,” Mark Damisch lamented.  I’m trying to hang on tightly to every rehearsal — every memory.”

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